With compliments to OpenSRS

GoDaddy is the largest domain name registrar by far, with around 32% marketshare (or around 40,212,493 domain names), according to the website WebHosting.Info.

At Oak, we’ve registered more than a few domain names through GoDaddy—cringing each time Danica Patrick stares us down. But, as the largest registrar, they have the lowest prices, and for the most part, things ‘just work.’ Recent events, however, made us question where our money is going.

In April, we decided to try out OpenSRS as a way to manage our growing repertoire in bulk.

Despite the fun branding by illlustrator John Martz, OpenSRS seemed to fall short with their clunky, dated UI (a new version appears to be under development). For the most part, I forgot about it.

Then last week, an unassuming box showed up at the studio:

“With compliments from OpenSRS”

“With compliments from OpenSRS”

I recognized the OpenSRS logo, but couldn’t figure out what they would be sending us…

Not your average tchotchkies

Not your average tchotchkies

Inside we found an OpenSRS-branded care package complete with a Field Notes-style notebook, pre-sharpened pencil, buttons, and icing-on-the-cake, a vinyl toy recreation of OpenSRS “service guy” mascot. Not your average tchotchkies.

No explanation, no salesy ‘upsell,’ just a box full of fun stuff.

“Service guy” at Oak HQ, in front of the Manhattan Bridge

“Service guy” at Oak HQ, in front of the Manhattan Bridge

Nice work OpenSRS. You definitely have our attention again.