A message from Zeus Gorham Munkist

Hello. I’m Zeus Gorham Munkist. I consider myself an ordinary man. I put my pants on one leg at a time. I like walks on the beach and enjoy a nice cup of coffee in the morning. Let me tell you a story about how my ordinary life changed forever.

Sure, I collected Beanie Babies in the 90s, a man has to make money somehow right? Well, that didn’t work out so well. I next tried my hand as an A/C repairman in south New Mexico but discovered I didn’t enjoy hanging off balconies much. Another career attempt was as a sport fisherman in South Texas, but the fish left me empty inside. I was broke, alone, and headed nowhere slowly filled with deep, depressing dissatisfaction.

It was then, at the end of my rope on a cold winter night, that I accidentally made the greatest discovery of our time. I found love in a hopeless place in my life while stumbling half conscious into some sort of pepperoni and dough-filled heaven. Here were ordinary people like me smiling and having an amazing time seated around these circles of truth. It felt like a perfect combination of geometry, triangles slicing away through the circles and into my soul. The thin crust restored my trust. Its cheese brought me to my knees and I wept openly, uncaring what the world would think of me. I had found pizza.

There comes a time in every man’s life when hard choices have to  be made. Where a fork in the road appears. It was an easy choice. I took the road paved with pizza. I hired Daniel Blackman and Oak Studios to make the finest app the world has ever known. Life getting you down? There’s an app for that and it’s called Pizza Compass, your tool for sliced success.

Download Pizza Compass for iPhone at pizza-compass.com.